Personalization for all, powered by data

Discover a new way to grow at work! Valamis finds out how you learn best and tailors your training to suit you. It’s simple, engaging, and all about helping you grow.

Person with a laptop, seeing connections in data

Every learning path is unique

Connect your dots, your way with Valamis. The flexible LMS helps you personalize learning experiences and keep learning in sync with your business goals.

Personalization tailored for the busy work environment

Learning should feel like a guided walking tour, not an arbitrary solo misadventure. Valamis has been designed to be clear and efficient without overwhelming.

Skills and completions reports

Data informed L&D

Make your L&D team’s life easier with a machine learning powered LMS. Take the hassle out of managing tasks, so teams can breathe a sigh of relief. Help learners see what they need to do and when, giving them more time to focus on the learning they enjoy.

Success stories

"Compared to other platforms, Valamis stood out due to its flexibility in terms of personalization, both with the platform and the content."
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"We cannot leave it at offering a menu of courses and where employees serve themselves. We want to offer a learning experience that is meaningful for each individual and helps them grow. Our vision is about their personal journey."
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Talk to an expert

Book a 15 minute call with us to discuss how we can help connect the dots between learning and your business.

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