Learning culture workbook

A workbook to help facilitate an engaging learning culture for your learners

About this workbook

The constant need for change and adaptation in the business world creates heavy demands on corporate learning and building a learning culture.

How can L&D departments consistently solve these challenges with people skills and competencies when we are in an everlasting state of change?

In this workbook, we put together some tips to help you develop your organisation’s learning culture.

We used research, our own learning culture, and our experiences with our clients to help you choose the right tools to implement change, along with tips to get your learners interested in the learning experience.

How to use it

Download our workbook to learn:

  • Why is a learning culture essential?
  • What elements comprise your learning culture?
  • Challenges encountered in fostering a learning culture
  • Key tips for building and introducing a new learning culture


Learn how to develop your organization’s learning culture and consistently solve challenges with people skills and competencies. Download the free workbook!