Magyar Telekom

Pioneering success and learning through innovation and creativity.


  • A leading Hungarian telecoms provider, faced challenges in fostering a learning culture amongst its employees
  • They needed to integrate diverse learning content, establish a comprehensive learning “Compass,” and harness smart data for decision-making



  • Magyar Telekom partnered with Valamis known as “SmartApp” and includes both core LMS functionality and LXP capabilities
  • Valamis was chosen for its comprehensive features, modern and innovative approach, GDPR compliance, and cost-effectiveness



  • The result was exceptional engagement rates, notably with the “TOP5 Learning Program”
  • Employees were empowered to choose a skill to enhance, achieving a 60% completion rate and a mere 14% attrition rate
  • The innovative new “Influencer Academy” is set to further boost learner engagement

Company overview

Magyar Telekom, a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom / T-Mobile, stands as a leading Hungarian telecommunications and broadband service provider. It proudly holds the title of Europe’s most valuable brand and is the first Hungarian multinational to embrace a dedicated Learning Experience Platform (LXP).

The LXP journey’s genesis

Magyar Telekom boasts a small but passionate, and digitally savvy team that shares an innate curiosity and drive for innovation in Learning and Development (L&D). Establishing an effective learning culture and environment ranks high on Magyar Telekom ‘s priority list. The company’s top leadership firmly believes that becoming a true “talent magnet” employer necessitates being an effective learning organization. Hence, Magyar Telekom takes pride in being a learning-focused company that readily embraces continuous change.

Remarkably, Magyar Telekom’s Valamis platform, affectionately known internally as “SmartApp,” isn’t utilized for compliance training. Compliance tasks are managed through a separate system, rendering the Valamis solution exclusively dedicated to nurturing a culture of self-driven development.

Implementation scope

Valamis provided a 5800-license baseline and configured a subsite structure for Magyar Telekom, accommodating multiple training purposes. The implementation included comprehensive training workshops and content integrations to cater to Magyar Telekom’s diverse learning needs.

The need for a new LXP platform

The decision to adopt a new LXP platform was spurred by several factors:

  • Integrated Content: One learning portal was needed that integrated separate external and internal content.
  • Learning “Compass”: A clever solution that supports both management and individual employees to determine development areas.
  • Smart Data: instead of using manual completion reports, it was time for Magyar Telekom to use clever user data that supports decision making.

Why the Cloud and Valamis

In 2021, Magyar Telekom partnered with Valamis to leverage an LXP solution that covered both core LMS functionality and LXP capabilities for upskilling and reskilling. This positioned Magyar Telekom as a leader in the Hungarian learning market.

However, with limited in-house developer expertise and the cost considerations of building a system from scratch, Magyar Telekom opted for a cloud-based solution. They chose Valamis for several compelling reasons:

  • Comprehensive features: Valamis included all the desired features and even bonus ones, like the Event management feature that became heavily utilized.
  • Modern and innovative: Valamis presented a modern image with an innovative, flexible team.
  • Data security: Magyar Telekom, as part of the Deutsche Telekom group, prioritizes GDPR compliance and data security, ensuring data remains within the EU.
  • Cost-effective: Valamis offered a fair and cost-effective solution.

Challenges and ongoing work

The implementation journey faced its share of challenges. The integration with Percipio, while good, required customization. Additionally, dynamic audience building posed initial difficulties, but ongoing communication led to solutions.

Magyar Telekom emphasizes regular communication with a learning consultant and praises the responsive support team.

“We have responsive tech support and tailored, regular consultations with our Learning Solution Partner – this makes us feel safe & cared for.” Péter Trembeczki, Digital Learning Expert, Magyar Telekom

The path to success

“In the beginning, we had a misconception,” admits Peter, Digital Learning Expert, Magyar Telekom. They initially believed that a cloud service would work automatically. However, they soon realized that successful implementation required effort from both parties and a discovery mode to unlock all features.

Despite the challenges, Magyar Telekom and Valamis persevered to achieve their goal of delivering “Learning that blows off your socks.”

Project goals and measurement

Magyar Telekom proudly boasts an exceptional engagement rate, reflecting the success of their LXP implementation. The team’s “TOP5 Learning Program from 2022” initiative marked the maiden voyage of the L&D program on the newly inaugurated Valamis platform.

Business units meticulously researched and delineated their top five skill requirements, crafting a roadmap for excellence.

Employees were empowered, with guidance from their leaders, to choose their ‘superpower’—a single skill they aspired to elevate to new heights. This dynamic selection process paved the way for transformative growth.

The result of the program? Exceptional engagement rates: 60% of the target group completed their journeys and the complete attrition rate of these non-compulsory trainings were only 14%.

Data analysis of the TOP5 program at Magyar Telekom showing a high rate of engagement with 60% of learners completing the entire learning path.

The future is bright at Magyar Telekom

Magyar Telekom is aiming at boosting its overall learner engagement by launching “Influencer Academy”, a program that involves internal experts to create short video channels on several business-related development topics. The Academy takes care for upskilling the future creators with media skills and sharing their content on internal social media platforms. The coherent video series of certain channels will later serve as dedicated learning paths in the LXP.

Customer satisfaction

Valamis collaboratively works with Magyar Telekom to support its learning requirements, ensuring that the learning platform aligns with Magyar Telekom’s growth and vision. The joint seminar held in collaboration with Valamis showcased how Magyar Telekom transformed its digital learning experience, setting a new standard in the industry.

In summary, Magyar Telekom’s journey with Valamis has been marked by innovation, challenges, and ultimately, remarkable success in pioneering the way forward for L&D in Hungary.

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