Steep Learning Curve
A steep learning curve is an expression often used to describe difficulties. But on the learning curve model it actually means a period of positive, fast paced learning. Find out more here.

What is steep learning curve?
A steep learning curve is an expression that is often used in colloquial speech to describe the initial difficulty of learning something that is considered to be very challenging. The implication is that learning will be slow and arduous.
The concept of a “steep learning curve” is more of a metaphor that most likely represents a common perception that going up a steep hill is slower than going up a long, shallow incline.
In a real-life application of the term to the learning curve model, a steep curve on a learning curve actually implies that there is an initial period of fast learning – Not slow learning. Here’s why:
In a learning curve, the rate of progression is measured against time.
- If the curve was steep, as in the Blue graph, it would show that the learner is making rapid progression over a short period of time. This means that the learner is mastering the skill or task quickly.
- The Red graph displays what a learning curve would look like if the learner was having a slow and difficult time to learn the skill or task. The curve would actually appear to be shallow and long. This is because the learner requires more practice or attempts before a performance begins to improve.
You can learn more about the learning curve in the original article.

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