The LMS selection checklist

Looking for the perfect Learning Management System (LMS)? Our LMS Checklist is here to help! Our expertly curated checklist will make finding the right LMS is a breeze by simplifying the process into three phases: Preparation, Selection, and Decision.

What you’ll learn

In the Preparation phase, you’ll:

  • Identify your organization’s learning needs
  • Set up a selection team
  • Establish budget and ROI expectations

In the Selection phase, you’ll:

  • Evaluate feature sets
  • Compare vendor offerings
  • Assess scalability, support, and integration capabilities

In the Decision phase, you’ll:

  • Shortlist top contenders
  • Arrange vendor demonstrations
  • Finalize your LMS choice based on thorough evaluation and consensus

How to use it

Our LMS checklist is designed as an interactive PDF, offering a structured framework.

Print or digital: Tailored for versatility, you can either print the checklist for a hands-on, pen-and-paper approach or use its digital format on your computer. The interactive PDF supports fillable form fields, allowing dynamic interaction with the checklist as you progress through each phase.

Download the checklist now!