Procter & Gamble

Striking the balance: P&G’s data-driven approach to skill management with Valamis


  • Engaging learners within L&D programs at P&G faced obstacles, with employees expressing concerns about when to dedicate time for learning, what to focus on, and where to find suitable materials.


  • P&G prioritized aligning skills management with business objectives to cultivate a sustainable learning culture.
  • They transitioned from multiple platforms to a unified learning platform with Valamis, using a learner-centric approach grounded in Design Thinking.


  • The adoption of a data-driven, unified learning platform, resulted in comprehensive data consolidation, improved learner engagement, and enhanced content accessibility.
  • Personalized learning paths and experiences further boosted confidence in skill application.

Procter & Gamble (P&G), renowned for its strategic, data-driven approach to business, has embarked on a transformative journey to refine skills management within its organization. Francesco Mantovani, P&G’s Global Learning Technologies and Innovation Leader, sees this journey as an embodiment of innovation and strategic implementation.

Recognizing the importance of effectively managing skills in achieving organizational objectives, P&G has undertaken the challenge with a focused approach. Francesco Mantovani initiated a survey within P&G to understand the challenges employees faced with learning and development (L&D) programs. The findings revealed three main challenges: finding time for learning, determining what to focus on, and locating the right materials. This prompted P&G to align its skills management strategy with its overarching business goals, fostering a sustainable learning culture.

Transitioning from scattered data to a unified learning platform was the next logical step in P&G’s journey. Mantovani recognized the necessity of modern technology and a forward-thinking Learning Management System (LMS) to support this endeavor. The adoption of a learner-centric approach, grounded in Design Thinking, guided P&G’s development of a feature-rich learning platform. This platform aims to bridge the skill gap by focusing on improving confidence in applied skills, rather than just enhancing abilities.

P&G’s commitment to leveraging technology and data for strategic alignment is evident in its embrace of artificial intelligence (AI) tools. With the introduction of AI, such as the CoursePT assistant by Valamis, P&G delivers personalized learning paths and interactive experiences to engage its workforce in their development journey. Manto emphasizes the transformative power of AI in providing personalized guidance to employees without the fear of judgment, ultimately boosting confidence in skill development.

However, P&G’s journey goes beyond just technology adoption. Mantovani highlights the importance of making learners an integral part of the process. By aligning individual aspirations with organizational goals, P&G has created a learning environment that supports both personal and professional growth. This approach not only caters to learner preferences but also addresses broader company challenges, leading to more focused and effective learning pathways.


P&G serves as an excellent example for organizations worldwide that aim to achieve excellence in skills management. As P&G continues to develop its L&D strategies, Mantovani’s guidance, based on over 25 years of experience at P&G, sheds light on the crucial integration of human resources and technology in improving skills management. P&G demonstrates the advantages of effective skills management across their organization through continuous learning and adaptation.

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